
Having grown up alongside the evolution of the internet, it has been fascinating to watch it become more and more ingrained in our everyday lives. The pace at which this medium changes makes it both exciting and terrifying grounds for a career – there’s always something new to learn and always room to improve the work we create. This is incredibly motivating, interesting, and challenging, which is why I love this field.

I came to UX by way of graphic design and web development. My undergraduate degree is in visual communications and I spent a significant chunk of my master’s program learning web programming languages, physical computing, and creative coding.

My professional experience has broadened in parallel – I’ve gone from being strictly a visual designer to practicing the entire digital product design process, and even being able to code and launch basic sites. During my time at Wondersauce I’ve been able to fill the gaps in my knowledge, such as how to define product strategy and conduct user research.

These experiences have given me a well-rounded understanding of how to create digital platforms. They’ve enabled me to work productively with cross-functional team members and speak in their languages. They’ve also taught me how much I have left to learn.

It’s a big responsibility to design something that mediates the way people engage with the world around them. Decisions large and small make an impact. I’ll always be striving to develop as a practitioner so that my work leads to the best possible outcomes, both on screen and beyond.

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